Monday, December 1, 2008

Google Play

It makes me smile to think of Google as "an old friend", but the expression is quite true. I enjoyed taking a deeper look into Google last week. Just like with an old friend, there are many things that I know about Google. I did, however, find many new discoveries.

I love the fact that you can create and save documents on Google. That can save a lot of time and frustration by being able to access my info from anywhere at anytime, without being chained to a particular computer or computer disk.

The book search is great. What a wonderful tool to share with others in the library who are looking for a good book to read.

Google Scholar is wonderful. So often people think that they can get credible info on Google. Now they actually can be sure of it.

Google News is a terrific feature for our day and age. Very few of us read newspapers and sit for 30 minutes to watch the news. Even if we do those things, this feature keeps us up to the minute.

I love the Google Alert feature. As a Longhorn Fan, it would be great to get up to the minute reports on how my teams are doing.

I enjoyed my "play time" with Google this past week. I intend to get to know my old friend Google even better in the future!

1 comment:

Sanda said...

Hey there! Just stopping in for a visit :) I must say I really do need to use the 'saving documents on Google' feature - I forget that it is even possible because I haven't tried it before. I find myself setting up a spreadsheet on my laptop and then wanting to use it on my desktop and having to use my thumb drive to save it and copy it over - when it would be so much easier to just keep it in the one place! Thank you for that because I really should figure that out and use it!
Also, I love the Google Reader feature so much for keeping up on all of my blog reading - it's so great to just have the new posts pop up so you know when someone has posted!