Friday, December 19, 2008

Online Gaming

Oh, my...this is got a good lesson for me. I could waste a lot of time doing this! I am of the original Nintendo generation and boy, oh, boy to I love to play video games. Here are a couple that I played around with today:

Simple Game: Bejeweled
I'm a pretty big Tetrus fan, and this one resembled it a lot. Trying to line up the jewels is a good workout for my brain. It's almost a mix between doing a jigsaw puzzle and a crossword puzzle. I guess video games can really be good for your mind, right? All of the sudden I'm having flashbacks from when my Dad told me that if I played video games too much then my brains would ooze out of my ears.

Competitive Game: Hearts
This is without a doubt my favorite on-line game. It is funny...I'm very competitive, yet I seldom win at things. Oh, well. I have fun anyway. I've always been a Hearts fan, even though I'm not very good at strategizing. I thought this game was particularly fun, because it has whimsical graphics and music. It kind of makes you feel like you are in an English pub playing cards back in the day. It was very easy to set up and play. Like I said before, I could spend WAY too much time playing here!

Link to Hearts:

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