Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Really Simple"??? Why, Yes It Is!

I enjoyed learning about RSS readers today. It makes so much sense. I do feel like I waste quite a bit of time "surfing the Internet" and accomplishing nothing. I'll sit down to look up something quick and 45 minutes later I'm still sitting and clicking from site to site.

I subscribed to the following links:

LIS News--Library and Information Science News

Library Stuff

I subscribed to the 2 sites listed above to keep my head "in the library world" while I'm raising my children. I want to be prepared when I return to work in a few years. I believe that these sites will offer information that will help me do that.

Combined Job Postings: Library Job Postings on the Internet

This site will allow me to see what jobs are available in my field. It will be great to not only see what jobs are out there, but to see the qualifications necessary to be hired for a particular job, how often certain postions pop up, etc.

Unshelved: A comic strip about a library

Do I really need to explain why I subscribed to this site? Come on...what could be funnier! :)

1 comment:

kam said...

Glad the rss reader is useful and saving you time!