Thursday, January 1, 2009

After playing around a bit with, I am fully convinced that I will open a new account for myself. So often I've been at a computer at a relative or friend's house and tried to look into their "favorites list". I'll forget myself and think I'm on my own computer only to be frusterated when I can't find the web site I'm looking for. By using, I would not have that problem again. I could find the information I want and not be tied to my personal computer.

I also liked the example used in the Social Bookmarking tutorial about how useful could be among a group of teachers. As a former teacher, I worked very closely with my fellow 1st grade teachers. We were constantly sharing ideas and helping one another out. With a social bookmarking tool such as, we could have taken that assistance to a whole different level by piggy-backing on each others research.

The previous example could just go on and on--students sharing research information, stay at home moms sharing valuable sites...the list is infinite.

I am sold!

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