Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Library 2.0

The idea behind Library 2.0 is great--create user-friendly library environment that is not only unafraid of change, but excited about change. In order to keep libraries vital to today's society, it is imperative for us to be eager about changing to fit the needs of our times and our users.

I am afraid that many of the library stereotypes are true. So often they are perceived as a place run by an unfriendly, unhelpful old lady with a bun, a scowl, and horn-rimmed glasses who is constantly shhh-ing her patrons. Whether this is true or not, fair or unfair, this is what many people think of when they think of the library. If we as librarians are constantly looking to change library services in order to best meet the needs of ALL of our patrons--both current regulars and people who have yet to darken the door--the future of libraries will be rosy.

If we want to reach our future taxpayers and show them how important library institutions are, then we need to imbrace Library 2.0 ideals and run with them.

I found a few sites discussing Library 2.0:

You've got to love Wikipedia:

The Library 2.0 Gang: Library 2.0: Service for the Next-Generation Libary:

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